Alien hunters and UFO enthusiasts spend their days scouring though images of Mars taken by NASA’s Curiosity Rover and beamed back down to Earth. - Media News 48

Alien hunters and UFO enthusiasts spend their days scouring though images of Mars taken by NASA’s Curiosity Rover and beamed back down to Earth.

Aliens on Mars: Is this ancient alien lioness statue evidence of UFOs?

IMAGES of what appears to be ancient alien structure on the surface of Mars have surfaced online, stunning UFO hunters and sceptics alike.

Conspiracy theorist ‘discovers’ lion head statue on Mars

Alien hunters and UFO enthusiasts spend their days scouring though images of Mars taken by NASA’s Curiosity Rover and beamed back down to Earth.

More often than not the images are of nothing more than the Red Planet’s jagged dusty plains. But every now and then and interesting finding pops up on the radars.

ArtAlienTV, a conspiracy YouTube channel dedicated to this task, claims to have uncovered concrete evidence of ancient statues and structures dotting the Martian landscape.

The latest bizarre finding appears to show the head of an ancient cat statue, strongly resembling the head of a full-grown lioness.

Joe White, 45, the self-titled space journalist who runs the unusual video outlet asks his audiences to have an open mid when scrutinising his discoveries.

In regards to the cat statue finding he said: “Is this a carved cat statue on Mars in this interesting Curiosity Rover image from NASA?

“It has a square hinge or clip on the neck as if it was repaired or jointed. It looks a bit like a lioness head or perhaps a similar cat or other creature that has broken away from the body.

“It is about 4 inches long or less.


“There are interesting nodules on the snout area were it is partially broken. Could these be barnacles or encrusted pebbles where it may have been submerged in water in this former lake in Gale Crater?”

Many of Mr White’s viewers were convinced he had stumbled upon a ground-breaking discovery.

Some suggested the statue is one way or another linked to the Ancient Egyptian civilisation, which many conspiracists believe was regularly visited and influenced by extraterrestrials.

YouTuber Wonder Woman Smith said in a comment: “Ancient Egyptians from Mars. They were heavily into cats and considered them sacred.

“Why do only cats and reptilian have eyes with slits for pupils? Cats are mammals while reptilians are cold blooded creatures. Hmmm.”

Another person, Jan Boyanton, said: “I see a large cat, too. I’m always amazed at what you pull out of the pics of twisted rubble.

“I know I’ve mentioned Devon Island in the past, but I’m really joking. I’m just hoping one day it will all be explained by NASA or whomever makes those decisions, since evidently ‘society’ would fall into utter chaos if we knew the ‘truth’.”

Other have however questioned whether the lioness statue is not in fact a different animal or just a pile of rock altogether.

UFO statue: The supposed alien created somewhat resembles a lioness head

One YouTube comment speculated the statue is that of an elephant head, while another suggested it actually represents a “lizard or snake and a rodent, possibly a bird.”

However most scientists looking at the photograph would agree that it is a perfect example of the effect of Pareidolia.

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon which causes people to see faces and patterns where they do not exist.


This effect is commonly associated with UFO hunters who constantly confuse pictures of shadows and rocks on Mars or the moon with statues, alien spacecraft and other paranormal occurrences.

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