Blind Dog Once Labelled ‘Aggressive’ Transforms into a Gentle Softie Following His Second Adoption

Horace was born blind and had his eyes removed and was adopted out when he was a puppy.

But when he was 6 months old, his owners took him to a vet to be euthanized because they said he was aggressive.

The vet refused and he (or she) found another place for Horace to live. He stayed there until he was 2.5 years old. But again, the people he was with said he was aggressive around other dogs. In a last ditch effort to save him, a dog rescue took him in and found him a home.

Horace’s new family took him in on a three-day trial and they all got along great. Horace was totally calm and comfortable. His new mom makes sure to keep him separate from other dogs as he is still reactive, but he gets along great with her snakes.

That’s right, snakes! And let’s talk about Horace’s reaction to when he hears grandma’s visiting! He actually knows the sounds that grandma and grandpa’s cars make!

Watch a happy Horace with his new family in the heartwarming video