Desperate Stand: Hippo’s Courageous Attempt to Save Pregnant Impala from Wild Dog and Hyena Ambush Caught on Camera

A video of a pregnant impala being hunted by a wild dog, hyena and a leopard is definitely not for the faint-hearted!

Image: LatestSightings/YouTube

A new video from Latest Sightings confirms that nature can be quite cruel!

The wildlife app recently shared a video of a hungry wild dog hunting a pregnant impala, who was then almost rescued by a hippo, after being hunted by a hyena and stolen by a leopard!

The app says that it was pandemonium in the Greater Kruger when the whole ordeal took place. The sighting was captured by the 31-year-old, industrial psychologist, Gabi Hotz, while enjoying a peaceful sundowner in Djuma Sabi Sand.

“On an afternoon sundowners, the bush was extremely tranquil and peaceful, until a wild dog created absolute pandemonium,” Gabi told Latest Sightings.

From the tree branches in the distance, a young female leopard named Cara sat and waited for her chance to get her share.

“The commotion caused by a herd of elephants nearby resulted in the feasting wild dog running to join the rest of the pack. This created enough of a distraction for Cara to take the leap and steal the impala, pulling it into the tree away from any hungry mouths.

“We all watched in shock and sadness at the fate of the poor impala and her unborn offspring. A surreal reminder that nature can be cruel. I am grateful for the time I get to spend in Africa, my home and biggest piece of my heart!”