Remarkable Discovery: Alberta Construction Crew Unearths Fossilized Remains of 73-Million-Year-Old Hadrosaur, Unveiling Ancient Prehistoric Secret

Fossils from an approximately 73-million-year-old hadrosaur is pictured in a recent photo in Tumbler Ridfge, B.C

It appears that you can’t dig a deep hole in Alberta without finding a duck-billed dinosaur.

Dinosaur fossil unearthed at Alberta mine

For the second time in weeks, construction crews have discovered the fossilized remains of a hadrosaur, a plant-eating creature that stalked the Earth about 68 million years ago.

Researchers unearth more dinosaur fossil finds near Grande Prairie, Alta. - The Weather Network

A crew helping to build a housing development found the fossils six metres below the surface and called the Royal Tyrrell Museum to report the find. The crew then helped museum staff carefully remove dirt and rock from the prehistoric buried treasure.

Museum curator Francois Therrien said this dinosaur was a teenager when it died and is about eight-metres-long.

My friend found this giant fossil! : r/Paleontology

He said the fact that much of the skeleton was found intact makes it an important find — no bones about it.

“When you walk in the badlands of southern Alberta when you find dinosaur bones, nine times out of 10 it will be from a duck-billed dinosaur,” he said Wednesday.

dinosaur, hadrosaur tibia bone, British Columbia

“But in terms of finding a complete skeleton — all the bones connected the way they were in life — that is really a rare discovery.”

So far, the tail and hips of the beast are visible and the skull has been identified.

dinosaur, hadrosaur rib bone, Tumbler Ridge, B.C.

Last month a pipeline crew in northwestern Alberta uncovered the fossils of a larger and older hadrosaur, a dinosaur that was almost as common during the Cretaceous era as deer are today.

Hadrosaur bone

Hadrosaurs roamed over much of western North America and grew up to 12 metres long.

The fossils are to be stored at the museum in Drumheller, Alta., for further study.

Hadrosaur that roamed Russia 68 million years ago suffered a broken wrist | Daily Mail Online

“It has been an incredible year for dinosaur finds,” said Andrew Neuman, executive director of the museum.

“This surge in fossil finds has supplemented our own work this field season due in part to increased awareness and diligence among industry and keen-eyed amateurs.”