Hey you! Please help me! I’m trapped in 10 kilograms of wаѕte, unable to free myself. Please come and гeѕсᴜe me. Please, I beg you, I need your help to survive. Di

TTO – The Forest Rangers of Con Dao National Park have just rescued a sea turtle entangled in floating waste washed ashore. Without timely rescue and removal of the net, this rare sea turtle would have struggled to survive.

The sea turtle was entangled in a net on the coast of Con Dao.

Các mối đe dọa đối với rùa biển Côn Đảo

On April 13th, a leader of Con Dao National Park stated that on the morning of April 12th, during a patrol at Bai Vong – Co Ong (Con Dao), the park’s forest rangers discovered a sea turtle weighing approximately 10 kg entangled in a pile of floating waste on the beach.

Clip giải cứu rùa biển mắc kẹt trong hàng chục kg lưới

The pile of waste nets was quite thick, long, and heavy, equivalent to the size of this sea turtle.

Fortunately, the sea turtle entangled in the net was discovered in time, so it was still healthy. After being freed from the net, the rescue operation, the turtle quickly swam back into the sea.

ô nhiễm môi trường biển từ túi nilon và rác thải

After being rescued, the turtle quickly swam back into the sea.

The leader of Con Dao National Park stated that in 2018, the park also found a mother turtle stranded on the beach while laying eggs, entangled in a fishing net.

Thả cá thể rùa biển quý hiếm về môi trường biển

According to this view, these occurrences are indeed a perilous manifestation of oceanic waste on marine creatures.

Thừa Thiên Huế: Thả cá thể rùa nằm trong sách đỏ về môi trường tự nhiên

This waste is left behind by humans, especially fishermen who discard damaged or unusable fishing nets, ropes, and gear at sea.

Con Dao is an island inhabited by rare and precious wildlife.

At the beginning of 2019, the waters of Con Dao were recognized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as an important area for the conservation and protection of marine species.