Paleontologists in Argentina have discovered a dinosaur that weighed about the same as the average cat which roams the streets today.
The remains of the dinosaur, which has been called Jakapil kaniukura, weighed between 4.5 and seven kilos according to the archaeologists’ estimations.
However, the team of scientists found that the remains were neither a fully grown adult dinosaur, nor a juvenile, either. Although the dinosaur was small, being less than five-foot-long, scientists found other features that meant it could protect itself.
It had “leaf-shaped” jagged teeth with protective spikes along its neck and back.
Due to its “reduced arms” – akin to a T-Rex’s – paleontologists believe it walked on its back legs.
Like a stegosaurus, the Jakapil was of the thyreophoran dinosaur group – known as “armoured dinosaurs”.
However, the Jakapil differs from other basal thyreophorans.
The paleontologists discovered this was the first to have a predentary bone or a keratin beak in the front of the lower jаw.