The Remarkable Tree of Tule: A 2,000 Year-Old Living Wonder in Oaxaca, Mexico - Media News 48

The Remarkable Tree of Tule: A 2,000 Year-Old Living Wonder in Oaxaca, Mexico

If you’re planning a trip to Mexico and looking for something truly unique to see, make sure to add the Tree of Tule to your itinerary. Located in the quaint village of Santa Maria del Tule, just a short distance from the bustling colonial city of Oaxaca, this ancient tree is a must-see attraction.

With a circumference that reaches almost 60 meters and a height of 42 meters, the Tree of Tule is known to have the largest trunk diameter in the world. But it’s not just its size that makes it so remarkable. What sets this tree apart is its age. Scientists estimate that it is around 2,000 years old, making it one of the oldest living things in North America.

When you arrive in Santa Maria del Tule, you’ll immediately see the crowd of people milling around the churchyard. The Tree of Tule is a major draw for both Mexicans and foreign visitors alike. For just a few pesos, you can enter the churchyard and get up close and personal with this magnificent tree.

As you stand beside the Tree of Tule, you’ll feel humbled by its size and age. It’s a living thing that has been around since the Roman times, and it continues to thrive today. You can even stand under its shade and feel the cool breeze on a hot day.

While Santa Maria del Tule may seem like a sleepy village with a small church and local markets, it’s home to one of the world’s most impressive natural wonders. Don’t miss your chance to see the Tree of Tule and experience a piece of living history. It’s well worth the short journey from Oaxaca city to witness this remarkable sight.

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