The mother gave birth to three identical children, difficult to distinguish. The mother had to paint each baby’s toenails different colors to distinguish them

When the triplets were born, they spent 3 weeks in special conditions as a precaution because they were born at 29 weeks. Crystal Hasselquist, mother of the triplets, then began to worry over time about how she would be able to tell the difference since the babies were identical triplets, and in this sense, the concern was justified since the babies were almost completely identical.

Then, during conversations with the nurses, Crystal was advised to introduce color separation, and the family did. Each child had their own color of bed linen, baby bottles, toys and clothes.

This worked well for a while, but during bathing and dressing, when the little ones had their little clothes off, the trick seemed to fail. That’s when the proud mother came up with a world-changing idea!

And she devised a simple and original strategy. The woman varnishes the big toe of the left foot of her babies with different colors: green for James, blue for Henrik and red for Thomas.

AmyJo Hasselquist, the sister-in-law of the proud and witty mother, found this colorful dynamic amusing, so she decided to use her TikTok account to share the interesting measure with the world, in case it helps another mother of triplets or identical twins.

The smart mom and her triplets quickly went viral, surpassing 16 million views as they indulged their unique parenting style in an adorable way.

Although it is an effective way of differentiating their babies, there are mothers who use other methods that can help facilitate identification and these are not limited to putting marks on the little ones.

Some examples are dressing the little ones in clothes of different colors or different styles and even looking for physical or personality differences, such as birthmarks, whether they are left-handed or right-handed or their habits, gestures and facial expressions.