An Enchanting Encounter: Young Bull Elephant Quenches Thirst with Umani Springs Orphan Herd at Lunchtime


Assistance offered to an untamed bull at Umani SpringsThe Umani Springs Eco Lodge provides a magnificent view of the Kibwezi Forest’s fauna. The pools are typically occupied by sunbathing crocodiles, bushbuck can be seen munching on the lush grass, and monkeys tirelessly swing from tree to tree. However, the afternoon of October 26th, 2020, took an unusual turn. A young adult bull elephant emerged from the forest’s fringes, making its way to the water hole frequently visited by our Umani Springs orphan herd. Something was clearly amiss as the elephant heavily favored its front right leg, causing it to limp.


The helicopter targeted the bull and prevented it from escaping into the woods after being hit with a dart. Angela, who was present at Umani Springs during the incident, took immediate action to begin treatment. Meanwhile, our Kaluku Field HQ dispatched a Cessna 185 and a helicopter to assist. The plane traveled to Voi to pick up KWS veterinarian Dr. Poghon and his team, while the chopper headed straight to the Kibwezi Forest airstrip to meet them. As the teams prepared, the SWT/KWS Kenze Anti-Poaching Unit quietly spread out on the ground to keep an eye on the animal, aware that losing sight of him in the dense forest would make it exceedingly difficult to administer further treatment.

As soon as the bull started showing signs of being affected by the anaesthetic, the team hurriedly stepped in to prevent it from collapsing on the ground.

The situation became more complicated when he appeared to doze off while standing. Fortunately, the bull didn’t move from his spot near the water hole and remained calm. As soon as he heard the approaching helicopter, he headed towards the nearby trees. Our pilot, Andy Payne, skillfully navigated through the forest, hovering above the treetops so that Dr. Poghon could administer an anaesthetic dart with precision. Although the bull didn’t immediately succumb to the dart, he wandered through the woods for around 15 minutes before finally slowing down. The helicopter followed him closely to ensure that he didn’t venture deeper into the forest.


After a considerable amount of effort, pushing, and dragging, he eventually released his legs and collapsed onto the ground.

The team had called in a vehicle to help with the task, but as they were about to use it, the patient suddenly dozed off and collapsed onto the ground. When the ground team arrived, they noticed that the patient was in a half-standing position and seemed content to stay that way. This wasn’t the first time they had encountered this situation, so they had brought along specialized straps designed for elephants. The team worked together, including the veterinary staff, anti-poaching rangers, drivers, and eco lodge employees, all pulling with their full strength to secure the straps around the patient’s midsection and bring him down safely.

The crew started to take action by pouring water at the back of his ears and ensuring that his breathing passages remained clear.

The bull’s front right ankle joint got injured, and the team took immediate action. One member poured water behind the bull’s ears to prevent overheating while another inserted a tiny stick in the trunk to keep the airways open. Due to the weakened immune system, parasitic insects tend to attack animals, and this bull was not an exception as it had numerous ticks all over its body. The team sprayed Frontline on the bull to protect it from ticks.

He suffered a pretty bad injury – a torn ligament most likely due to a fall into a hole that caused his leg to twist.

Dr. Poghon administered shots to the joint, which included a wide range of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Upon inspection, the patient showed no signs of external injuries but suffered from torn ligaments in his front right leg. Such mishaps are common and result from stepping into a hole or tripping over roots. While time is the best healer for ligament damage, we provided relief by administering long-acting antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Once Dr. Poghon administered the anaesthetic reversal, everyone vacated the area so that the bull could stand up without any disturbance.

The remarkable intuition of elephants never ceases to amaze us. Recently, we have had injured wild elephants appearing near our Reintegration Units, seemingly asking for help. At one particular location where our orphans frequently roam, a male elephant was present for several hours, indicating that he may have been seeking assistance. Our team at Umani Springs will continue to monitor him closely over the next few weeks, as there may be a need for further treatment due to his injury. Although joint injuries can be difficult to overcome, we are optimistic about this young bull’s recovery. He woke up and was able to climb a hill without much difficulty, which is a promising sign. We have provided him with a safe and nurturing environment, complete with ample food and water, and hope that he will stay in the forest to heal.