St??n?? An? R??? Disc?v??? – H?n????s O? M?mmi?i?? B??s F??m Th? Tim? O? Th? Ph????hs Disc?v???? In P??t???l

A n?w st??? ?????ts th? ?isc?v??? ?? h?n????s ?? m?mmi?i?? ???s insi?? th?i? c?c??ns. Th?s? c?c??ns, ?????c?? ?lm?st 3,000 ????s ???, w??? ?isc?v???? in ? n?w ??l??nt?l??ic?l sit? ?isc?v???? ?n th? c??st ?? O??mi??, in P??t???l.

A???t 2,975 ????s ???, Ph????h Si?m?n ??i?n?? in L?w?? E???t; in Chin? th? Zh?? D?n?st? ?l??s??; S?l?m?n w?s t? s?cc??? D?vi? ?n th? th??n? ?? Is???l; in th? t???it??? th?t is n?w P??t???l, th? t?i??s w??? h???in? t?w???s th? ?n? ?? th? B??nz? A??. In ???tic?l??, ?n th? s??thw?st c??st ?? P??t???l, wh??? is n?w O??mi??, s?m?thin? st??n?? ?n? ???? h?? j?st h????n??: h?n????s ?? ???s ?i?? insi?? th?i? c?c??ns ?n? w??? ???s??v?? in th? sm?ll?st ?n?t?mic?l ??t?il.

Ph????h Si?m?n ?n ? ??li??, ???m M?m?his. C???it: W. M. Flin???s P?t?i? (1853-1942) – P??lic D?m?in

Th? c?c??ns, n?w ?isc?v????, ??s?lt?? ???m ?n ?xt??m?l? ???? ??ssiliz?ti?n m?th??—n??m?ll? th? sk?l?t?n ?? th?s? ins?cts is ???i?l? ??c?m??s?? ??? t? its chitin??s c?m??siti?n, which is ?n ????nic c?m???n?.

“Th? ?????? ?? ???s??v?ti?n ?? th?s? ???s is s? ?xc??ti?n?l th?t w? w??? ??l? t? i??nti?? n?t ?nl? th? ?n?t?mic?l ??t?ils th?t ??t??min? th? t??? ?? ???, ??t ?ls? its s?x ?n? ?v?n th? s???l? ?? m?n??l???l ??ll?n l??t ?? th? m?th?? wh?n sh? ??ilt th? c?c??n,” s??s C??l?s N?t? ?? C??v?lh?, sci?nti?ic c????in?t?? ?? G?????k N?t??t?j?, ?n? c?ll?????tin? ??s???ch?? ?t Instit?t? D?m L?iz, ?t th? F?c?lt? ?? Sci?nc?s ?? th? Univ??sit? ?? Lis??n—Ciênci?s ULis??? (P??t???l).

Th? ??l??nt?l??ist s??s th?t th? ???j?ct th?t l?? t? this ?isc?v??? i??nti?i?? ???? ??l??nt?l??ic?l sit?s with ? hi?h ??nsit? ?? ??? c?c??n ??ssils, ???chin? th??s?n?s in ? s????? m??s??in? ?n? m?t?? ?n ? si??. Th?s? sit?s w??? ???n? ??tw??n Vil? N?v? ?? Mil??nt?s ?n? O??c?ix?, ?n th? c??st ?? O??mi??, ? m?nici??lit? th?t ??v? st??n? s?????t t? th? ?x?c?ti?n ?? this sci?nti?ic st???, ?ll?win? its ??tin? ?? c????n 14.

“With ? ??ssil ??c??? ?? 100 milli?n ????s ?? n?sts ?n? hiv?s ?tt?i??t?? t? th? ??? ??mil?, th? t??th is th?t th? ??ssiliz?ti?n ?? its ?s?? is ???ctic?ll? n?n-?xist?nt,” s??s An???? B??c?n, ?n? ?? th? c?-??th??s ?? th? ???s?nt w??k, ??l??nt?l??ist ?t th? Univ??sit? ?? Si?n?.

Im??? t?k?n ?n??? ?in?c?l?? l?ns, c????s??n?in? t? s??cim?n ??t?ils ?? th? ???s?m. This s??cim?n w?s ?xt??ct?? ???m th? s??im?nt ?illin? ? c?c??n. C???it: An???? B??c?n.

Th? c?c??ns n?w ?isc?v????, ?????c?? ?lm?st 3,000 ????s ???, ???s??v? ?s in ? s??c??h???s th? ???n? ???lts ?? th? E?c??? ??? th?t n?v?? ??t t? s?? th? li?ht ?? ???. This is ?n? ?? ????t 700 s??ci?s ?? ???s th?t still ?xist in m?inl?n? P??t???l t????. Th? n?wl? ?isc?v???? ??l??nt?l??ic?l sit? sh?ws th? int??i?? ?? th? c?c??ns c??t?? with ?n int?ic?t? th???? ?????c?? ?? th? m?th?? ?n? c?m??s?? ?? ?n ????nic ??l?m??.

Insi??, ??? c?n s?m?tim?s ?in? wh?t’s l??t ?? th? m?n??l???l ??ll?n l??t ?? th? m?th??, with which th? l??v? w??l? h?v? ??? in th? ?i?st tim?s ?? li??. Th? ?s? ?? mic??c?m??t?? t?m?????h? ?ll?ws ??? ? ?????ct ?n? th???-?im?nsi?n?l im??? ?? th? m?mmi?i?? ???s insi?? s??l?? c?c??ns.

B??s h?v? m??? th?n 20,000 ?xistin? s??ci?s w??l?wi?? ?n? ??? im???t?nt ??llin?t??s, wh?s? ????l?ti?ns h?v? s??????? ? si?ni?ic?nt ??c???s? ??? t? h?m?n ?ctiviti?s ?n? which h?s ???n ?ss?ci?t?? with clim?t? ch?n??. Un???st?n?in? th? ?c?l??ic?l ???s?ns th?t l?? t? th? ???th ?n? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ?? ??? ????l?ti?ns n???l? 3,000 ????s ??? c??l? h?l? t? ?n???st?n? ?n? ?st??lish ??sili?nc? st??t??i?s t? clim?t? ch?n??.

X-??? mic??-c?m??t?? t?m?????h? vi?ws ?? ? m?l? E?c??? ??? (v?nt??l) insi?? ? s??l?? c?c??n. Vi?w ??t?in?? in th? ICTP El?tt??mic??CT, T?i?st?’s El?tt?? s?nch??t??n ???i?ti?n ??cilit? in It?l?.Th? im??? sh?ws th? ??chit?ct??? ?? th? ?xc?v?t?? ????? ch?m??? cl?s?? ?? th? s?i??l c??, c?nt?inin? ?n ???lt ??? cl?s? t? ???n??nin? th? c?ll. C???it: F????ic? B??n???ini/ICTP.

In th? c?s? ?? th? s??thw?st c??st, th? clim?tic ???i?? th?t w?s ?x???i?nc?? ?lm?st 3,000 ????s ??? w?s m??k??, in ??n???l, ?? c?l??? ?n? ??ini?? wint??s th?n th? c????nt ?n?s.

“A sh??? ??c???s? in th? n?ct??n?l t?m????t??? ?t th? ?n? ?? wint?? ?? ? ???l?n??? ?l???in? ?? th? ???? ?l????? ??tsi?? th? ??in? s??s?n c??l? h?v? l?? t? th? ???th, ?? c?l? ?? ?s?h?xi?ti?n, ?n? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ?? h?n????s ?? th?s? sm?ll ???s,” ?x?l?ins C??l?s N?t? ?? C??v?lh?.