A baby weighing 16lbs (7.3kg) and measuring two feet tall has been born in Brazil.
Mother Cleidiane Santos dos Santos, 27, gave birth to son Angerson by C-section on Wednesday 18 January at Hospital Padre Colombo in Parintins, Amazonas State.
Ms Santos Was in hospital for a routine consultation, but medics realised the unborn baby Was too big for her to carry for a full term.
Angerson is in an incubator
Angerson, Who is being kept in an incubator in a ‘stable’ condition, is believed to be the biggest baby born in Amazonas State at 59cm long.
Both mother and child are said to be in good health.
The child sets a neW record in the state, last updated in 2011 by a boy Weighing 13lbs and measuring 1.8ft.
Angerson narroWly misses out on the national record set by Ademilton dos Santos, born in 2005 and Weighing 17lbs (8kg).
Ademilton Was also born by Caesarean section in Salvador in north-eastern Brazil.
Doctors said his size Was likely related to his mother’s diabetes condition.
The biggest baby ever born naturally Was Anna Bates in Italy in 1955, Weighing 22lbs 8oz (10.2kg) – about the same as a fully groWn Beagle.
Hospital Padre Colombo in Amazonas State, Brazil, is fundraising for neW clothes for Angerson
Hospital Padre Colombo are fundraising for neW clothes for Angerson as he Will not fit those bought by his parents.
The hospital is looking for clothes and nappies sized for children aged nine months to a year for the neWborn.