How do aircraft catapults work?

Aircraft catapults are intricate systems used on aircraft carriers to launch airplanes from the relatively short decks of these vessels. These mechanisms operate on the fundamental principles of physics, particularly Newton’s third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The catapult system consists of a steam-powered piston, a shuttle, and a holdback bar. The aircraft is positioned on the deck with its nose hooked onto the shuttle, while the holdback bar holds the aircraft in place. As the catapult is activated, steam pressure builds up behind the piston.

When the launch command is given, the holdback bar is released, and the steam pressure behind the piston is abruptly released. This creates a powerful burst of energy that propels the shuttle and, consequently, the aircraft forward along the deck. As the shuttle accelerates, the aircraft’s engines also kick into full power, generating additional thrust.

The rapid acceleration of the shuttle imparts a substantial amount of kinetic energy to the aircraft, allowing it to achieve the necessary takeoff speed much sooner than if it were attempting to take off from a stationary position on the short deck. Once the aircraft reaches the end of the deck, it becomes airborne, using its own lift and the initial velocity provided by the catapult to ascend into the sky.

In summary, aircraft catapults utilize the force of steam pressure and the principle of action and reaction to provide the necessary velocity for aircraft to take off safely and effectively from the confined space of an aircraft carrier’s deck. This innovative technology has revolutionized naval aviation, enabling aircraft carriers to project power across the seas with a diverse range of aircraft.