Very Lucky! South African Woman Shatters Guinness World Record with Unprecedented Birth of 10 Babies

A woman from South Africa has recently given birth to 10 babies, and if verified, she could break the Guinness World Record for the most children born in a single delivery. Gosiame Thamara Sithole, 37, gave birth to the seven boys and three girls at a hospital in Pretoria.

Sithole’s husband said they were surprised and delighted by the news of 10 babies. He also mentioned that they were not expecting such a large family, as they had only been anticipating eight children during the pregnancy. According to him, Sithole had previously given birth to twins and was excited to have more children.

The couple has faced criticism and disbelief about the multiple births, with some people claiming it is a hoax. However, Sithole and her husband have provided medical records and ultrasound scans to prove the births, and the hospital has also confirmed the delivery.

If verified, the births could break the current Guinness World Record for the most children born in a single delivery, which is currently held by Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to octuplets in 2009. The Guinness World Records organization has not yet confirmed the new record, as they are still reviewing the evidence.

Multiple births, such as twins and triplets, are not uncommon, but giving birth to 10 babies is extremely rare. The cause of such a large multiple birth is usually due to fertility treatments, but Sithole and her husband claim that they conceived naturally.