Iпteпѕe Ϲɩаѕһ Ɓetweeп Αɩаѕkап Mᴜѕkoxeп аѕ Tһeу ɡo Heаd-to-Heаd

Twο-headed calf iп Geοrgia

Ludmila Jgarkava, the owner of this particular calf, said: ‘At first I thought the mother cow had twins, but after the calf came out of the mother’s womb, I realized it had two heads.

The uncle with the two-headed son was born on January 2nd. Due to the cow’s refusal to breastfeed, Ms. Ludmila Jgarkava had to give this calf a bottle of milk every 3 hours. Currently, this calf is in good health.

In July 2010, a two-headed calf was born on a farm in northern Egypt. Scientists believe that these defects are mainly caused by genetic mutations.