Pit bull takes his owner off course during walk to find abandoned, dying puppy with severe head trauma who had almost gone blind

Ace the pit bull went off course during a walk with his owner last week in Jersey City, New Jersey.

He took his owner to an empty home, where the man found baby Theo – a puppy with severe head trauma and brain swelling who had gone almost blind.

The owner took the pup to a shelter in New Jersey – the first step to what has shaped up to be a seemingly miraculous recovery.

Ace the pit bull went off course during a walk with his owner last week in Jersey City, New Jersey and led him to Theo, an abandoned three-month-old puppy (pictured)

Theo (pictured) had severe brain trauma and had almost gone blind when he was found with slim chances to survive

Theo is now in the care NYC Second Chance Rescue, based in Queens, and has spent time at a 24-hour emergency animal hospital.

He made slow progress at first, but his caretakers were overjoyed to announce in a Facebook update Tuesday that Theo’s vision was returning.

By then, the pup was on pain medication, had tried to stand up on his own and had a strong appetite – a far cry from the dying animal who had arrived just a couple of days prior.

‘When we first got him we weren’t sure he was going to live, and he had a few scares but now he is currently improving at the vet and we couldn’t be happier,’ Second Chance Rescue NYC volunteer Alyssa Ellman told The Dodo.

By Tuesday, Theo (pictured after his rescue) had begun recovering and his vision was returning. He also had a solid appetite

Theo (pictured after being rescued) spent time in a 24-hour animal hospital and was put on pain medication as he began recovering

Theo can now stand up without help. A video posted on Friday showed him resting in a caretaker’s lap, wrapped up in a blanket.

He cannot walk yet but his eyes are getting back to normal and the swelling on his brain is decreasing.

‘If it wasn’t for Ace the dog, Theo would most likely never have been rescued,’ Ellman said.

‘We really owe it all to that hero of a dog.’



A video published on Friday showed Theo resting in one of his caretaker’s lap (pictured), wrapped up in a blanket


Theo (pictured left after his rescue and right on Friday) cannot walk yet but has made significant progress so far and has been able to stand up without help