Good Samaritan Finds Dog Stuck To An Active Train Track And Rushes To Help

Time was running out …

Recently, the staff at City of San Antonio Animal Care Services (SAACS) received a frantic call about a dog who was trapped on an active train track. The caller couldn’t tell if the pup was intentionally left there or if his leash just happened to get caught on the rail, but they knew they had to act quickly before a train came barreling through.

Animal Care Officer Edwards rushed to the scene and found the yellow Lab, later named Lucky, lying on the train tracks. As he got closer to the dog, Officer Edwards noticed just how serious Lucky’s situation was.

“Officer Edwards noticed the leash tied to Lucky’s neck was secured to the tracks with a nail, tightening more and more as he pulled away,” SAACS wrote on Facebook. “Lucky was very scared and certainly not ready to trust anyone.”

Even though Lucky was scared, Officer Edwards was determined to earn his trust and rescue him from the tracks before a train came. The animal control officer carefully closed in on the dog and was able to secure him with a humane catch pole a few minutes later.

As he removed the dog’s stuck leash from his neck, Officer Edwards’ worst fear suddenly became a reality: He heard a train rumbling in the distance.

“Officer Edwards moved quickly and safely, helping Lucky off the tracks,” SAACS wrote. “Before they could make it back to the animal transport vehicle, a train zoomed past!”

Thankfully, by the time the train barreled through, Lucky was safe in Officer Edwards’ arms. They watched as the train whipped past, then got in the van to begin Lucky’s new, exciting journey.

The team at SAACS welcomed Lucky with open arms and gave him a full checkup before placing him in his very own kennel. With a safe place to lay his head at night, the once-scared dog finally started to open up to others.

“After some time to settle down, Lucky seems to feel much more open to befriending people,” SAACS wrote. “[He] needs a [forever] family!”

SAACS shared Lucky’s harrowing rescue on Facebook, and within a week, they received an influx of messages inquiring about the pup. One person, Mr. C., saw SAACS’s post and fell instantly in love with Lucky. He scheduled an appointment to meet Lucky, and as soon as they met, Mr. C. decided that the pup was perfect for him.

“As soon as I met him, I could tell he was exactly the kind of dog that would fit in with my family. He was so chill and unbothered,” Mr. C told SAACS, as shared on Facebook.

Mr. C. spent 30 minutes hanging out with Lucky at SAACS before officially deciding to take him home for good. A few days later, Lucky’s adoption was finalized, and the sweet pup was officially ready for his new life with a loving family.

Lucky, who was later renamed Duke, has since adjusted to his new home and is happier than ever with his new dad.

Duke’s friends at SAACS still don’t know how he ended up on the train tracks, but they’re so happy that they were able to rescue him just in time and give him the life he deserved.

“We’re not sure if Lucky’s leash caught the nail as he walked past or if someone secured him,” SAACS wrote. “But we are beyond grateful to those who reported this situation to 3-1-1, and Animal Care Officer Edwards for getting him to safety!”