Baby rhino suffers һoггіfіс ɡᴜпѕһot wound that leaves a gaping hole in its skin after poachers who slaughtered its mother train their ɡᴜпѕ on it

Alone, scared, and with a huge bullet hole in its torso – this injured rhino calf was saved by a team of sanctuary workers after its mother was poached.

Workers from the Care For Wild Africa Rhino Sanctuary were alerted last week to the adult’s rotting carcus, and the fact that the baby may still be wandering around on its own.

Teams were dispatched on the ground and in a helicopter to try and find it, but after eight days of searching the team was beginning to lose hope, until one person in the chopper spotted the animal down below.


Workers from the Care For Wild Africa Rhino Sanctuary were alerted last week to the adult's rotting carcus

Workers from the Care For Wild Africa Rhino Sanctuary were alerted last week to the adult’s rotting carcus

Teams were dispatched on the ground and in a helicopter to try and find it, but after eight days of searching, the team was beginning to lose hope

Teams were dispatched on the ground and in a helicopter to try and find it, but after eight days of searching, the team was beginning to lose hope

A group rushed over to its aid, to find the calf cowering in the trees with a massive bullet hole in its torso, revealing it too had been shot with a high calibre rifle by the poachers.

They provided it with water, before sedating the beast and clearing out the bullet hole to get rid of dead flesh.

The video finishes with the caption: ‘She still has a long way to go but is now in safe hands.’

The sanctuary said: ‘We would like to thank the following people for their dedication and unwavering support in this rescue mission; Richard Fair for flying the setwing, Wayne Kenneth, Dr. Albertus Coetzee, the neighboring farms trackers, Willie and his team from the W.A. EN Genote Security Company and Marius Nel.’

The one person in the chopper spotted the animal down below and the team rushed over to its aid

The one person in the chopper spotted the animal down below and the team rushed over to its aid

They provided it with water, before sedating the beast and clearing out the bullet hole to get rid of dead flesh

They provided it with water, before sedating the beast and clearing out the bullet hole to get rid of dead flesh

The video finishes with the caption: 'She still has a long way to go but is now in safe hands'

The video finishes with the caption: ‘She still has a long way to go but is now in safe hands’