Jogger Saves Puppy Trapped In Ocean Rocks With Tide Coming In

Brian Glover runs five days a week, typically along Ocean Beach in his native San Francisco. In the early afternoon on Monday, January 16, about 20 minutes into his usual jogging route, the 61-year-old artist heard a bark.

“I turned around immediately to make sure I wasn’t about to get jumped by a dog,” Glover told Runner’s World. However, nothing was behind him. “I continued running, and I just kept thinking back to the way the dog’s bark sounded.”

Not only did it sound like the dog was in trouble, but it was also muffled, as if it was stuck inside something. After a few minutes, Glover jogged back to the area and came to the conclusion that it must have been stuck in the rocks near the water.

After 10 minutes of peering between crevices and calling out, Glover finally saw a pair of eyes looking back at him from a small, dark hole beneath the rubble. He reached down to help, but the anxious animal growled in fear. Luckily, it was still low tide, but the canine only had a few more hours until the ocean crept towards the rocks. Glover rushed home and called San Francisco Animal Care & Control to help.

Within minutes, an animal control officer was on site. Glover shared all the information he collected about the dog’s whereabouts—including photos and GPS coordinates—and waited.

Soon enough, San Francisco Animal Care & Control called him back with good news. The officer was able to rescue the dog and quickly delivered her to her owners, who had already reported her missing. Miraculously, “Gwen” was unharmed—just a little cold and scared.

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Neither Glover nor San Francisco Animal Care & Control know how Gwen got stuck. But Glover was glad that he was able to help an animal in distress. He encourages other runners to always stay aware of your surroundings during their miles—you might help someone or something in need.