Rare and Eerie Footage Captures Massive Wolf Wandering Through The Night At Yellowstone National Park

Hate to have that thing come after you…

Yellowstone National Park might just be the most incredible place in the entire United States.

No matter what time of day you go, what time of year… you’re always bound to see something incredible. Whether it’s bear, elk, wolves, or bison, you’re getting a front row seat to the best that American wildlife has to offer.

Siddharth Gandhi was able to catch an incredible moment on video (in 2017) when a massive grey wolf wandered onto a two lane road in Lamar Valley at Yellowstone National Park. His video racked up over 11M views to date.

This thing is a BEAST… I mean, it looks like a dire wolf straight out of Game of Thrones.

Equally as majestic as it is terrifying.

Check it out up close… nature is a beautiful thing.