Dog Undergoes Transformation After She’s Saved From The Most Squalid Conditions

Zuky was one of 23 dogs who were rescued from deplorable conditions at a house in Aguascalientes, Mexico.

The Humane Society of the United States’ animal rescue team says it was some of the most squalid and filthy conditions they have ever witnessed.

Poor Zuky was in a dark room that wreaked of ammonia, surrounded by urine and feces. She was severely emaciated, dirty, and had severely matted fur.

“When we went to that room for the first time, at the beginning when we opened the door, three of them came to me to escape from that room,” rescuer Felipe Marquez, of Humane Society International, said.

When they first approached Zuky, she was extremely scared and timid. Once they picked her up, she quickly felt at ease and more relaxed, and enjoyed the comfort of arms and feeling safe, something she’s never felt before.

Once Zuky was brought to safety, the rescue team quickly got to work on her incredible transformation. She received a haircut and a much-needed bath, along with proper medical care.

Looking at her now, you would never think she was the same dog who had been living in that dirty house.

She was eventually adopted by a kind family, who is showering her with all of the love that she’s always deserved.

The other dogs were transferred to a temporary shelter and are safe in HSUS’ care. They too will receive baths, haircuts, and proper medical care before being put up for adoption.

“To see them happy, to see them feeling better – like getting a new opportunity of life, a new chance of life – that’s the most rewarding part of this work,” Marquez said.

Watch Zuky’s rescue and incredible transformation in the video below: