Left Behind but Not Forgotten: Heartbroken Dog Clings to Hope, Waiting for Her Family to Return

Two years ago, Evelyn Flores received a text from her boyfriend that broke her heart.

Outside his workplace in Mexico, he’d spotted a black and white dog sitting on the side of the road with no owner in sight — but she wasn’t quite alone.

Next to her was a plastic bag packed with dog toys, presumably all the little pup’s earthly possessions.

It was clear that she’d been abandoned.

Unable to assist the dog that day, Flores headed to the spot the next morning — and sure enough, the pup was still there. She’d been waiting in the hope that her family would eventually return for her.

“The little dog was waiting for her family to come back for her,” Flores said. “I don’t understand how there are heartless people who do things like this. It’s inhumane.”

Even though Flores already had eight dogs at home, she decided to offer the lonely dog a safe place to stay with her.

Flores decided to name the dog Dulce — Spanish for “sweet.”

“I chose the name because she is very affectionate, grateful, loving and obedient,” Flores said.

At first, Flores intended to find new home for Dulce, but it didn’t take long before she had an even better idea.

Flores adopted Dulce herself.

It’s been over two years now since Dulce was found waiting for a family that would never return. And she’s never looked back.

“We try to give her a lot of love because we know that she was mistreated,” Flores said. “She came to us skinny, and now she is chubby.”

Dulce has come a long way — and though she has much to be thankful for, having been rescued, Flores and her family feel the most grateful of all.