Just like what happened to Victoria, a Dalmatian dog who was left completely helpless and malnourished on the street when her owners fled from a hotel to avoid paying for services.
When they saw her, her body was full of injuries, her fur was very dirty, and you could see her bones due to the chronic malnutrition she suffered. Victoria could not stand up or move her tail, it was a matter of time before she would meet a fatal fate.
After a few weeks, Victoria could already stand up.
According to the records of the old hotel, the owners of Victoria were a family who fled the place suddenly one morning to avoid paying the bill for their stay.
Victoria did not understand what was happening, bewildered she waited every day for her family to return , but that never happened.
Meanwhile, despite hunger and pain, she clung to life , although she had to feed on her own waste to stay hydrated.
Her case shows us that there is still much to do to combat the abuse and abandonment that many pets receive.
And also, it makes clear the importance of helping those animals that lie on the streets alone in the hope of receiving the support they need.
So let’s not be indifferent, there is always a way to offer a helping hand to abandoned dogs, thanks to those neighbors Victoria recovered and will now live surrounded by the love and protection she deserves.
We need more endings this happy, raise your voice against abandonment. Share this emotional rescue.