Amazing! Inside The World’s Largest Aircraft Carrier Hangar - Media News 48

Amazing! Inside The World’s Largest Aircraft Carrier Hangar

Today we are going to have a look at what life is like inside the world’s largest aircraft carrier hangar. AUs navy aircraft carriers are already stunning but the biggest of them all is on another level. Not only can it launch the most amount of jets in a short time, but it can also store the largest amount of jets and airplanes inside the hangar. Would you work on an aircraft carrier?

As the world’s largest aircraft carrier in the world’s dominant navy, the USS Gerald R. Ford is gargantuan. The aircraft carrier took eight years to build, several more years to test, and is large enough to tower over the biggest building in plenty of large towns. Named for the 38th President of the United States, the Gerald Ford is the lead ship of the US navy. It clocks in at over 1,000ft or nearly three American football fields in length, and nearly 250 feet high. Contained in that massive space, the aircraft carrier also has a whopping 25 decks.


The massive ship, which can house over 4,500 people and carry over 75 aircraft, weighs in at over 100,000 tonnes. That makes her the largest warship ever constructed. The total building cost is estimated at over 17 billion dollars, including 5 billion spent on research alone. After several delays it came in at 22% over the intended budget.



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