Archaeologists in Romania have uncovered a giant skeleton! - Media News 48

Archaeologists in Romania have uncovered a giant skeleton!

According to ancient legends, a great race of people who built gigantic buildings like pyramids and great divine temples once walked on Earth. Their existence also tells the story of David and Goliath, or countless fairy tales. The mystery is why these people died. The unusually large remains, allegedly found by scientists in Romania, could help to answer this question.

The giant skeletons of the Romanian Argevay in the ruins of the Burebist leader’s dungeon of Burebista have been known for more than half a century, and people like it all over the world, say conspirators and legend lovers. Among the people who participated in the excavations in Romania, Ionits Florea, now eighty-year old master, was according to In 1940 he dug a huge skull, which he showed to the archaeologist, and then he continued his excavations without workers. Findings, according to Floreau, loaded on trucks and kept away with secrecy.

The burial ground should contain about 80 bones and most of them were complete. In addition, they found large preserved ceramic pots filled with grain. “Since then, nobody knows where the skeletons are,” says Florea, interviewed by Romanian weekly Libertatea. In recent years, however, the villagers in Scaieni have also discovered the titans’ cemetery during the planting of the apple orchard. Besides the oversized skulls, they discovered intact skeletons, jewels, fragments of special 3-meter sculptures. Also, a group of archaeologists came to this place, the findings were taken away and the discovery fell into forgotten, tracing among local people.

Interestingly, the Romanians know a lot of legends in which the giant people stand out. They once inhabited the forests around Scaieni. According to the local ones, there are huge vaults under the mountains that can hide underground passages with treasures. But when journalists in 2016 had to embark on a mystery, they found out that the investigation was strictly secret.

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