Abandoned Blue-Eyed Pup Finds Love Through Rescue, Transforming into a Happy Soul Unrecognizable from His Painful Past

It is very unfortunate and heartbreaking when you realize that there are still hoomans who keep forgetting that animals have emotions, too – they can experience joy and sadness just like any one of us.

That’s why when a family kicked their dog out of their house onto the street, the poor pup had trouble understanding what was going on.

abandoned blue eyed pup

“He actually looks quite scary when you first see him. The only beautiful thing was his eyes. They are so piercing and so direct. The rest of him, bless his heart, looked like a scrawny, little trash monkey,” Rachel told The Dodo.

malnourished abandoned dog

Luckily, the pup wasn’t scared of humans at all, but Rachel was still very cautious about the way she handled him because she didn’t want him to run away and hide.

Rachel held her breath until she finally had a leash around this poor puppy’s neck.

woman petting the dog

The rescuer brought Gray into the car and watched how he peacefully slept the entire ride, knowing that he was finally in safe hands.

As soon as Gray got to the shelter, he received a head-to-tail exam and got medication to help heal his mange. And, in the shortest time ever, Gray started looking like the prettiest boy in the whole wide world.

beautiful blue eyed dog

“He hasn’t got a bad bone in his body, the happiest, most go-lucky dog. He really blossomed into the dog he could be,” she stated.

Of course, it didn’t take long for this incredible boy to find his forever home.

“I had no intention of getting another dog, but he has got this smiley face. He just looked like such a pleasant guy that I couldn’t resist him,” Richard, Gray’s new dad, told The Dodo.  

two dogs lying on bed

Gray and his furry sibling, Cloud, clicked right away and became inseparable. They love spending their time playing and running around the beach, their favorite place in the world.

“He just loves everyone. He loves everyone he meets and he loves every dog he meets. He is always very uplifting. His head is full of love. He is a lovely dog,” concluded Richard

close-up photo of blue eyed dog

Source: The Dodo