“I can’t hold my tears when I see this” – Japik the Orangutan Rescued After Years of Neglect, Finally Free from Chains and Pain

An orangutan in Borneo that was found chained up on a narrow wooden plank surrounded by rubbish has been rescued after two years of misery and neglect.

Chained up: An orangutan in Borneo that was found chained up on a narrow wooden plank surrounded by rubbish has been rescued after two years of misery and neglect.

Abandoned: It was pouring with rain when the International Animal Rescue team arrived on the scene and at first they couldn’t see Japik

Unloved: Her rescuers found Japik, who is between four and five years old, soaking wet and shivering on the plank, desperately trying to shelter from the rain under an old jacket

Her owner admitted that he had got Japik from his brother who had bought her from a hunter. Japik’s mother was almost certainly killed by the hunter before her baby was captured and sold as a pet.

Unhapppy: ‘The chain was so short that she could only move a couple of feet on either side of the tree. Her owner may never have intended to make her suffer but suffer she certainly did’

Illegal pet: Japik was rescued from Balai Pinang Vilage, Simpang Hulu District, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo)

‘However the outcome for the animals is the same. The orangutans we rescue have generally been fed a completely unsuitable diet and are suffering from a range of illnesses as a result. Plus they have been kept in terrible conditions, chained up like Japik or caged for years on end.

Safe: ‘Japik is yet another orangutan in a long line that our team has rescued recently. In many cases the treatment they receive as people’s pets is the result of ignorance rather than a deliberate act of cruelty’

Cut free: ‘I’m so relieved that Japik is now in the care of our veterinary team who will do everything they can to restore her to health

We have launched a special appeal to help her on the road to recovery and if we exceed our target any excess funds will be used to help the many more orangutans like Japik still in need of our help.’

Hometime: ‘While she is in quarantine she will undergo numerous checks and tests to ensure she is free from disease before she is introduced to any of the other orangutans and her rehabilitation can begin in earnest