Rare Footage: Massive Grizzly Bear Locked in a Tense Standoff as a Bald Eagle Launches an Aerial Assault

Out in the wild, you have to keep your head on a swivel, because you never know where you are going to get attacked from next.

As a grizzly bear, you would think that you would be pretty safe to walk around and not worry about much.

There aren’t many living things higher up on the food chain that would choose to pick a fight with one of nature’s most powerful beasts, but that didn’t stop this bald eagle from launching an attack by the Naknek River in Alaska.


As the man zoomed in on the bear as it rested for a second, there’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment as the bald eagle swoops down and grasps the bear’s face with its sharp talons. It happens so fast that the video ends up showing it again in slow motion, which allows for viewers to more clearly see the aerial attack.


In the slowed down version, the bald eagle looks to have its beak wide open as it makes contact with the bear’s snout, making me think that it did this “on a dare” and was possibly scared to do it. Forgive me for saying this, but it’s a pretty “punk-rock” moment.

I’m not sure what the eagle was thinking, but if it thought it was going to fly off with the grizzly in its talons, I’d have to say that the bird’s eyes were “bigger than its stomach.”

After the bald eagle flies off, the grizzly bear shakes off the attack and continues on its merry way, probably wondering what the hell had just happened. I’m sure it kept an eye on the sky more often after this incident.