“Aww he’s smiling” – After being hit by a car, a coyote can’t stop smiling at her rescuers, grateful for the second chance at life

“The thing that really gets me is his eyes. Even when he was at his worst, there was a brightness and hopefulness about them.”

His pelvis was broken. His skin condition had left him with hardly any coat to protect him from the Canadian winter.

But if there was one hint that this coyote had found the right people, it was written on his face.

“The thing that really gets me is his eyes,” Beauregard says. “Even when he was at his worst, there was a brightness and hopefulness about them.”

And sure enough, over the days that followed – while the animal was being treated for mange and those brutally broken bones – more of his irrepressible personality emerged.

The plan is to keep the coyote at the refuge until he’s strong and healthy enough to be returned to a safe area in the wild. Until then, his caretakers are doing everything they can to avoid being drawn in by that magnetic smile.

“We are keeping human contact to an absolute minimum so that he does not grow attached to humans,” Beauregard says.

Still, since the coyote will be in their care for a while, staff are looking to give him a name. Maybe you can help. They’re looking for suggestions on their Facebook page.

Not every coyote gets a name. Fewer still get the care and affection that’s been heaped on this patient.

As hard as it is to believe, many of these uniquely expressive and enigmatic animals are brutally trapped and killed for little more than the fur trim of a winter jacket.

Companies like Canada Goose are making millions literally on the backs of coyotes.