‘Come Here, It’s Too Dangerous’ – Brave Electrical Worker Climbs Pole to Gently Rescue a Sloth Resting on Power Lines.

an electrical worker in south america standing on an electric pole as he reaches out to grab a sloth who is hanging on the nearby power lines.

Not only are they tasked with manipulating heavy-duty electrical currents, cables, and wires, but they often have to climb to great heights on utility poles in all kinds of inclement weather.

While these struggles are common with this type of job, most of them never have to deal with the difficulties that come from working with sloths… unless they’re in parts of South America.

Yes, you read that correctly – sloths. In a video, a worker for a power company in Tarazá, Colombia scales a tall pole, not to reconnect wires, but to rescue a sloth that had decided the power lines were the perfect place for a nap.

Sloths are native to Colombia, but they usually spend their time curled up or hanging out high in the trees of tropical rainforests.

A Cute Sloth Resting on Electrical Wires Rescued in Colombia

How this little guy found himself in the middle of an urban area we’ll never know, but thank goodness this worker took the time to help him out!