Angry Bull Elephant Charges at Rhino in South African Park—Quick-Thinking Safari Guide Saves Endangered Animal from Certain Doom

This is the shocking moment an angry bull elephant attacked a rhino drinking at a pond in a South African national park.

In the clip, filmed in Kruger National Park in South Africa, the bull elephant can be seen approaching the rhino as it drinks water

In the clip, filmed in Kruger National Park in South Africa, the bull elephant can be seen approaching the rhino as it drinks water

The pair square off for several seconds before the elephant attacks the rhino with both its horns and trunk

The pair square off for several seconds before the elephant attacks the rhino with both its horns and trunk

The group then moved the vehicle and shouted at the elephant to distract it to allow the endangered rhino to escape.

‘The angry elephant then decided to get physical and pushed the rhino onto its side. The rhino started squealing and screaming while the angry elephant relentlessly pushed and shoved the fallen rhino with its tusks.

The creatures are then seen grappling until the camera pans away as the group move their vehicle and shout at the elephant to distract it

The creatures are then seen grappling until the camera pans away as the group move their vehicle and shout at the elephant to distract it

Their technique works and the endangered rhino is able to run away after the attack

Their technique works and the endangered rhino is able to run away after the attack