After Enduring Unspeakable Trauma, These Abused Animals Finally Find Peace and Safety for the First Time

Pablo Steklenski, founder of Flying Fur Animal Rescue, coordinated the transfer of both of them from North Carolina to New Jersey where Rescue Dogs Rock NYC would find them a new home. The arrival of these dogs to the runway was very hard, they even had to stop several times to get to the plane.


Their injuries and abuse made them slow and insecure, Kimber was still recovering from a gunshot wound to her skull.


Steklenski said, “I was very touched and let them take control of the situation, when we were on the plane Kimber lay down between the seats as if asking for company.”


“I got her a blanket and put her in a recliner next to me so she could be more comfortable,” she continued.


“She continued to lie down and sometimes look out the window at the rays of sunlight, and a song would happen to play in my earpiece that said – let it shine, let it shine – it was really difficult for me,” Pablo said.


For his part, Rocky lay back in the back and slept deeply, perhaps as he hadn’t done in a long time, knowing that he would never be mistreated again.


The arrival was easier, their walk was not so painful, perhaps the rest and the view from the sky helped them regain some of their strength.


From now on, Kimber and Rocky will have a new life and a new beginning thanks to the help of many people who have dedicated their time and efforts so that they can finally receive the love they deserve.