“Little fawn, where is your mother?” – Helpless Baby Deer Emerges from the Forest, Desperately Appealing to a Woman for Rescue and Compassion

The poor little fawn couldn’t even stand on his own when he crossed paths with a woman.

We’ve seen countless rescue missions wherein stray animals find it very hard to trust humans, especially when they have experienced abuse and neglect. It is their lack of trust that makes them behave aggressively towards their rescuers, making the mission more difficult than just grabbing them and getting them to safety.

However, for one hiker, the experience of saving an animal from the wild is quite different. Instead of the wild animal hiding from her, the little fawn that she met on one of her walks even went straight to her.

The fawn was so weak and appeared to be very hungry. Once she reached Amber’s legs, the deer instantly suckled on her ankles, thinking he would be able to get some milk from them.

Amber caught the heartbreaking scene on her camera and was at a loss on what to do to help the little deer. It was something she has never experienced before and she did not know how to respond. The poor fawn could not even stand up on his own and looked like he was just born that day.

She stayed with the deer for a few more minutes, helplessly watching as the baby animal was trying his best to get some food from her. She figured she needed to leave him if she wanted to give him food. Amber lost sight of the fawn and after twenty minutes of trying to locate him, the hiker could not really find him anymore and hoped that the fawn was finally with his mother.

Amber has gone home and went on to do her usual tasks. She hung out and did her laundry, but at the back of her mind, the image of that tiny fawn who was desperately asking for help kept on popping up on her mind.

She couldn’t handle the anxiety and intense concern she felt towards the fawn and decided to go back to the trail even if it was already dark and late in the night. She thought they won’t be able to find him anymore until her companion saw the fawn on a rock, sleeping soundly.