As bird lovers, we all have a bucket list of where we want to go, and one country we have to put on that list is Peru.
A country with one of the most diverse bird species, and scenic views in the world, many bird lovers are quite stunned. This makes it a must-see for bird lovers and photographers around the world. Peru is a bird watchers paradise, a true avian treasury, please find a small example of some of the best photos.
Red-Legged Cormorant

Marvelous Spatuletail

Sword-Billed Hummingbird

Bearded Moutaineer

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Inca Tern

Black-Tailed Trainbearer

Marvelous Spatuletail Hummingbird

Rufous-Crested Coquette

Swallow Tanager

Golden-Tailed Sapphire

Black-Faced Dacnis

Marvelous Spatuletail Hummingbird

Inca Tern

Crimson-Mantled Woodpecker

Royal Sunangel Hummingbird

Bronzy Inca

Rufous-Crested Coquette

Andean Motmot

Grass-Green Tanager

Ochre-Fronted Antpittas

Squirrel Cuckoo

Silver-Backed Tanager

Collared Trogon