31 DIY Ideas to Start a Vegetable Garden Using “Old Tires” - Media News 48

31 DIY Ideas to Start a Vegetable Garden Using “Old Tires”

What if you could grow a beautiful, productive garden in a pile of garbage? Well, you can – and contribute to a greener environment at the same time!

You can’t really grow a garden in a pile of garbage. But you can grow a garden inside something that is commonly viewed as junk – an old tire.

Tire gardening is a great way to recycle old rubber tires to maximize your yields and minimize the amount of work it takes to produce a successful garden.

It’s easy to start your own tire garden – as long as you pay attention to a few tips and pieces of cautionary advice.

While your watering and fertilizing needs will likely stay about the same, you’ll find that you have much less weeding to do when it comes to your tire garden.


Since the garden is elevated, it’s less likely that weed seeds will make their way into the garden and cause you additional headaches.

A tire garden is also a great idea if you are gardening in a cramped space – such as an urban garden.

A tire garden can simply be too warm for certain types of crops. We’ve found those that do best in the tire are the plants that like being grown in warm soil – such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and peppers.

Try to avoid cold-hardy crops in the tire, especially if you plan on keeping it the original black color (it will absorb the heat).

There are very few people who would argue that tires actually look good sitting on your front lawn.


You can paint them to match your decor and as long as you’re only painting the outside, you really don’t have to worry about chemicals leaching into your soil.



























Credit: Pinterest

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