Myst??y Of Anci?nt G?z? Win? – N?w Insi?ht

C?mm??ci?l ?????cti?n ?? l?x??? “G?z? win?” w?s l?n? ?ss?m?? t? ?? th? ?c?n?mic ??sis ?? L?t? Anti??? s?ttl?m?nt in th? N???v D?s??t. Sci?ntists h?v? l?n? st??i?? th? s??j?ct.

Vi?w ?? Ein Av??t in th? Zin V?ll?? ?? th? N???v ??s??t. Im??? c???it: An???w Shiv? / Wiki???i? / CC BY-SA 4.0


B?th ?is? ?n? ??ll ?? vitic?lt??? in th? L?t? Anti??? N???v Hi?hl?n?s ??c?nst??ct?? ???m ??ch?????t?nic?l ?n? c???mic ??t? w?s st??i?? ?? ??s???ch??s in 2020.

R?s???ch int? ????? ?i?s ???n? ???m ?n ?xc?v?t?? B?z?ntin? m?n?st??? in Is???l hints ?t th? ??i?ins ?? th? ‘m?st??i??s’ G?z? win? ?n? th? hist??? ?? ?????vin? c?ltiv?ti?n in ??s??t c?n?iti?ns.

Th? ?i?s ???m s?ttl?m?nts in Is???l’s N???v ??s??t – ?n? ?? which w?s ??t?? t? th? 8th c?nt??? – w??? lik?l? ???m ? whit? ?????, ?n? is ??t?nti?ll? th? ???li?st ?? its kin? ??c?m?nt?? ?n?wh??? in th? w??l?.

It is th???ht it c??l? ?? link?? t? th? sw??t whit? win? – th? G?z? win? – th?t ??ch???l??ists h?v? s??n ??????nc?s t? in hist??ic?l ??c???s, ??t ? l?ck ?? ?vi??nc? ?? whit? v??i?ti?s ???m th? ???i?? h?s ?ntil n?w l??t ? ???sti?n m??k ?v?? its t??? ??i?ins.

Th? win? w?s ?????c?? in th? N???v ?n? shi???? ?c??ss th? B?z?ntin? Em?i??, ?s w?ll ?s t? G??m?n?, F??nc? ?n? B?it?in, wh??? it is th???ht t? h?v? ???n ?nj???? ?? ????l h??s?h?l?s.

R?s???ch??s ???m th? Univ??sit? ?? Y??k, T?l Aviv Univ??sit?, ?n? th? Univ??sit? ?? C???nh???n, ?s?? ??n?tic ?n?l?s?s t? i??nti?? s?v???l ?i?????nt ????? c?ltiv??s th?t w??? ???wn in N???v vin?????s incl??in? ??th whit? ?n? ?l?ck ?????s.

S?? ?ls?:

Wh?n An? Wh? N???v Hi?hl?n?s’ A??ic?lt???l S?ttl?m?nt W?s A??n??n??? – R?s???ch??s H?v? Answ??s

D? N?th?n W?l?s, ???m th? Univ??sit? ?? Y??k’s D????tm?nt ?? A?ch???l???, s?i?: “This is th? ?i?st tim? th?t ??n?tics h?s ???n ?s?? t? i??nti?? th? c?l??? ?? ?n ?nci?nt ?????, ?n? ?iv?s ?s ? ?lim?s? int? th? int??n?ti?n?ll? ??m??s G?z? win? ???in? th? ???i??.


Th? m?s?ic ?? Kiss??im n??? G?z?, ???ictin? O??ik?n th? c?m?l ??iv??, c??t???s th? ?v??l?n? t??ns???t ?? th? ?????cts ?? vitic?lt??? in th? ???i?n ???in? L?t? Anti??it?.  A?ti??ct??l ??mn?nts ?? th? tw? m?in c?m??n?nts ?? O??ik?n’s l??? – ?????s ?n? G?z? j??s – ???th?? ill?min?t? this ?h?n?m?n?n. C???it ??? M?s?ic im???: Th? Is???l M?s??m J???s?l?m, ?? Eli? P?sn??; G?z? j?? im???: D?vi?? Eis?n????-D???n (Is???l Anti??iti?s A?th??it?, J???s?l?m, Is???l); Ch????? ????? im???: D?ni?l F?ks (B??-Il?n Univ??sit?)

“It ?ls? ??v? ?s th? ?????t?nit? t? link ?nci?nt s???s with m????n v??i?ti?s th?t ??? still ???wn ????n? th? M??it????n??n t????.

“I??nti??in? th? ????? v??i?ti?s th?t ???w in th? N???v ???in? th? B?z?ntin? ???i?? ?n? th? ??n?tic ch???ct??istics th?t w??? n??t???? in th?s? ???, ??s??t c?n?iti?ns, c??l? ???vi?? v?l???l? insi?hts int? h?w ?l?nt v??i?ti?s c??l? ?? ??v?l???? t? ??sist th? ?xt??m?s ?? clim?t? c?n?iti?ns t????.”

Th? ?????vin?s m??? s?m? ?? th? l????st ????its ?? ?n? c??? in B?z?ntin? tim?s ?n? t???? ???m N???v, with L???n?n ?n? C??t? ??? ?x?m?l?, h?v? s???n? m????n v??i?ti?s ?? ??? win? th?t ??? still ?????c?? in th?s? ????s t????.

Th? ??s???ch, ?ls? in c?ll?????ti?n with th? Univ??sit? ?? H?i?? ?n? th? Is???l Anti??iti?s A?th??it?, is ???lish?? in th? j???n?l P??c???in?s ?? th? N?ti?n?l Ac???m? ?? Sci?nc? ?? th? Unit?? St?t?s ?? Am??ic? (PNAS).

L?t?st ??s???ch – Anci?nt DNA ???m ? l?st N???v Hi?hl?n?s ??s??t ????? ??v??ls ? L?t? Anti??it? win? lin????