2,000 ????s ?? ??n?tic hist??? in Sc?n?in?vi? ?l?ci??t?s Vikin? ??? t? m????n ???

A n?w st??? ???lish?? in th? j???n?l C?ll ?n J?n???? 5 c??t???s ? ??n?tic hist??? ?c??ss Sc?n?in?vi? ?v?? 2,000 ????s, ???m th? I??n A?? t? th? ???s?nt ???. This l??k ??ck ?t Sc?n?in?vi?n hist??? is ??s?? ?n ?n ?n?l?sis ?? 48 n?w ?n? 249 ???lish?? ?nci?nt h?m?n ??n?m?s ?????s?ntin? m?lti?l? ic?nic ??ch???l??ic?l sit?s t???th?? with ??n?tic ??t? ???m m??? th?n 16,500 ????l? livin? in Sc?n?in?vi? t????.

Am?n? ?th?? int?i??in? ?in?in?s, th? n?w st??? l?? ?? St?ckh?lm Univ??sit? ?n? ??CODE ??n?tics (R??kj?vik) ?????s insi?ht int? mi???ti?n ??tt??ns ?n? ??n? ?l?w ???in? th? Vikin? ??? (750–1050 CE). It ?ls? sh?ws th?t ?nc?st?i?s th?t w??? int????c?? int? th? ???? ???in? th? Vikin? ???i?? l?t?? ??clin?? ??? ???s?ns th?t ???n’t cl???.

“Alth???h still ?vi??nt in m????n Sc?n?in?vi?ns, l?v?ls ?? n?n-l?c?l ?nc?st?? in s?m? ???i?ns ??? l?w?? th?n th?s? ??s??v?? in ?nci?nt in?ivi???ls ???m th? Vikin? t? M??i?v?l ???i??s,” s?i? Ric???? R???í???z-V???l? ?? St?ckh?lm Univ??sit?. “This s????sts th?t ?nci?nt in?ivi???ls with n?n-Sc?n?in?vi?n ?nc?st?? c?nt?i??t?? ??????ti?n?t?l? l?ss t? th? c????nt ??n? ???l in Sc?n?in?vi? th?n ?x??ct?? ??s?? ?n th? ??tt??ns ??s??v?? in th? ??ch???l??ic?l ??c???.”

“Di?????nt ???c?ss?s ?????ht ????l? ???m ?i?????nt ????s t? Sc?n?in?vi? [?t ?i?????nt tim?s],” ????? An???s Göth??st?öm, St?ckh?lm Univ??sit?.

Th? ??s???ch??s h??n’t ??i?in?ll? ?l?nn?? t? ?i?c? t???th?? Sc?n?in?vi?n hist??? ?v?? tim? ?n? s??c?. R?th??, th?? w??? w??kin? ?n th??? s?????t? st??i?s ??c?s?? ?n ?i?????nt ??ch???l??ic?l sit?s.

S?n??? ???? ??ch???l??ic?l ?xc?v?ti?ns. C???it: D?ni?l Lin?sk??

“Wh?n w? w??? ?n?l?zin? th? ??n?tic ???initi?s ?? th? in?ivi???ls ???m ?i?????nt ??ch???l??ic?l sit?s s?ch ?s th? V?n??l ???i?? ???t ???i?ls, Vikin? ???i?? ch?m??? ???i?ls, ?n? w?ll-kn?wn ??ch???l??ic?l sit?s lik? th? Mi???ti?n ???i?? S?n??? ???? ?in????t, kn?wn ??? th? m?ss?c?? th?t ?cc????? th??? [in] 500 CE, ?n? in?ivi???ls ???m th? 17th c?nt??? ????l Sw??ish w??shi? K??n?n, w? st??t t? s?? ?i?????nc?s in th? l?v?ls ?n? ??i?in ?? n?n-l?c?l ?nc?st?? ?c??ss th? ?i?????nt ???i?ns ?n? ???i??s ?? Sc?n?in?vi?,” R???í???z-V???l? ?x?l?in??.

“Initi?ll?, w? w??? w??kin? with th??? ?i?????nt st??i?s,” Göth??st?öm s?i?. “On? ?n S?n??? ????, ?n? ?n th? ???t ???i?ls, ?n? ?n? ?n th? m?n-??-w?? K??n?n. At s?m? ??int it m??? m??? s?ns? t? ?nit? th?m t? ?n? st??? ?n th? Sc?n?in?vi?n ??m?????h? ???in? th? l?t?st 2,000 ????s.”

Th? ???l w?s t? ??c?m?nt h?w ??st mi???ti?ns h?v? ????ct?? th? Sc?n?in?vi?n ??n? ???l ?c??ss tim? ?n? s??c? t? ??tt?? ?n???st?n? th? c????nt Sc?n?in?vi?n ??n?tic st??ct???. As ?????t?? in th? n?w st???, th? ??s???ch??s ???n? ???i?n?l v??i?ti?n in th? timin? ?n? m??nit??? ?? ??n? ?l?w ???m th??? s???c?s: th? ??st??n B?ltic, th? B?itish I?ish Isl?s, ?n? s??th??n E?????.

B?itish I?ish ?nc?st?? w?s wi??s????? in Sc?n?in?vi? ???m th? Vikin? ???i??, wh????s ??st??n B?ltic ?nc?st?? is m??? l?c?liz?? t? G?tl?n? ?n? c?nt??l Sw???n. In s?m? ???i?ns, ? ???? in c????nt l?v?ls ?? ?xt??n?l ?nc?st?? s????sts th?t ?nci?nt immi???nts c?nt?i??t?? ??????ti?n?t?l? l?ss t? th? m????n Sc?n?in?vi?n ??n? ???l th?n in?ic?t?? ?? th? ?nc?st?? ?? ??n?m?s ???m th? Vikin? ?n? M??i?v?l ???i??s.

Fin?ll?, th? ??t? sh?w th?t ? n??th-s??th ??n?tic clin? th?t ch???ct??iz?s m????n Sc?n?in?vi?ns is m?inl? ??? t? ?i?????nti?l l?v?ls ?? U??lic ?nc?st??. It ?ls? sh?ws th?t this clin? ?xist?? in th? Vikin? A?? ?n? ??ssi?l? ?v?n ???li??.

Un???w?t?? K??n?n ?xc?v?ti?ns. C???it: L??s Ein??ss?n

Göth??st?öm s????sts th?t wh?t th? ??t? ??v??l ????t th? n?t??? ?? th? Vikin? ???i?? is ???h??s m?st int?i??in?. Th? mi???ti?n ???m th? w?st im??ct?? ?ll ?? Sc?n?in?vi?, ?n? th? mi???ti?n ???m th? ??st w?s s?x ?i?s??, with m?v?m?nt ??im??il? ?? ??m?l? ????l? int? th? ???i?n. As th? ??s???ch??s w?it?, th? ?in?in?s ?v???ll “in?ic?t? ? m?j?? inc???s? [in ??n? ?l?w] ???in? th? Vikin? ???i?? ?n? ? ??t?nti?l ?i?s t?w??? ??m?l?s in th? int????cti?n ?? ??st??n B?ltic ?n?, t? ? l?ss?? ?xt?nt, B?itish-I?ish ?nc?st?i?s.

“G?n? ?l?w ???m th? B?itish-I?ish Isl?s ???in? this ???i?? s??ms t? h?v? h?? ? l?stin? im??ct ?n th? ??n? ???l in m?st ???ts ?? Sc?n?in?vi?,” th?? c?ntin???. “This is ???h??s n?t s????isin? ?iv?n th? ?xt?nt ?? N??s? ?ctiviti?s in th? B?itish-I?ish Isl?s, st??tin? in th? 8th c?nt??? with ??c????nt ??i?s ?n? c?lmin?tin? in th? 11th c?nt??? N??th S?? Em?i??, th? ???s?n?l ?ni?n th?t ?nit?? th? kin???ms ?? D?nm??k, N??w??, ?n? En?l?n?. Th? ci?c?mst?nc?s ?n? ??t? ?? ????l? ?? B?itish-I?ish ?nc?st?? wh? ???iv?? in Sc?n?in?vi? ?t this tim? ??? lik?l? t? h?v? ???n v??i??l?, ??n?in? ???m th? ???c?? mi???ti?n ?? sl?v?s t? th? v?l?nt??? immi???ti?n ?? m??? hi?h-??nkin? in?ivi???ls s?ch ?s Ch?isti?n missi?n??i?s ?n? m?nks.”

Ov???ll, th? ?in?in?s sh?w th?t th? Vikin? ???i?? in Sc?n?in?vi? w?s ? v??? ??n?mic tim?, th?? s??, with ????l? m?vin? ????n? ?n? ??in? m?n? ?i?????nt thin?s. In ??t??? w??k, th?? h??? t? ??? ???iti?n?l ??n?tic ??t? in h???s ?? l???nin? m??? ????t h?w th? ?nc?st?i?s th?t ???iv?? ???in? th? Vikin? ???i?? w??? l?t?? ?il?t??. Th??’? ?ls? lik? t? ?in??int wh?n th? n??th-s??th clin? w?s sh???? ??s?? ?n st??? ?? l????? ?nci?nt ??t?s?ts ???m th? n??th.

“W? n??? m??? ???-Vikin? in?ivi???ls ???m n??th Sc?n?in?vi? t? inv?sti??t? wh?n th? U??lic ?nc?st?? ?nt?? in this ???i?n,” R???í???z-V???l? s?i?. “Als?, in?ivi???ls ???m 1000 BCE t? 0 ??? v??? sc??c?, [?n?] ??t?i?vin? DNA ???m Sc?n?in?vi?n in?ivi???ls with th?s? ch??n?l??i?s will ?? im???t?nt t? ?n???st?n? th? t??nsiti?n ???m th? B??nz? A?? t? th? I??n A?? in this ???t ?? th? w??l?. Fin?ll?, m??? in?ivi???ls ???m th? M??i?v?l ???i?? ?ntil th? ???s?nt will h?l? ?s t? ?n???st?n? wh?n ?n? wh? w? ??s??v? ? ????cti?n in th? l?v?ls ?? n?n-l?c?l ?nc?st?? in s?m? c????nt ???i?ns ?? Sc?n?in?vi?.”

“Th??? is s? m?ch ??scin?tin? in???m?ti?n ????t ??? ???hist??? t? ?? ?x?l???? in ?nci?nt ??n?m?s,” Göth??st?öm s?i?.