NASA’s Curiosity Rover is without a doubt one of the greatest inventions of all time. The $2.5 billion rover…
As you can see, this is no ordinary rock
NASA’s Curiosity Rover is without a doubt one of the greatest inventions of all time. The $2.5 billion rover was a costly project at the time. Many people were afraid it would be completed soon, but it was well worth it in the end.
As a result, we have made numerous discoveries. Unlike NASA, which appeared to have lost its way along the way, the Curiosity Rover is continuing sharing its discoveries with us.
This is how the most recent finding came about.
As you can see, this is no ordinary rock; it has a mouth, a nose, a pair of eyes, and even a cone-shaped beard. Many people believe this is an Anunnaki statue from Sumerian culture.

The Sumerians of Mesopotamia adored the Ancient Anunnaki, in case you didn’t know.
They are thought to be the creators of humanity, extraterrestrial creatures that created us before leaving us to our own devices.

We discovered an 800-year-old cell phone, demonstrating that the Sumerians were technologically advanced.
The ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia, according to most scholars, were the major users of the cuneiform writing system, which is utilized on its keyboard.