Author: Hei
Brother, Hold Me Tight: Lion Siblings Find Comfort in Each Other After Months of Struggle in a Refugee Camp
Lion Siblings Cling Together During Rescue From War-Torn Gaza Mona and Max became minor celebrities earlier this year when a Gaza resident purchased the 2-month-old cubs from Gaza’s Rafah Zoo, which had been damaged by airstrikes and was financially struggling. Animal welfare group Four Paws quickly noticed the situation was untenable. Raising lion cubs is…
Unidos en la Adversidad: Dos Perritos Enfermos se Brindan Amor y Esperanza en un Momento Inolvidable
Si existieran ángeles de verdad en la tierra, esos serían los perros. Y cuando hablamos de peluditos de condiciones especiales, entonces podríamos referirnos sin temor a equivocarnos de que son la «santidad en patas». Estas especiales criaturitas viven con Norma Miedema, una mujer holandesa, quien les abrió las puertas de su hogar y su corazón…
Will You Take Me Home, Daddy? A Puppy’s Innocent Eyes and a Heartbreaking Note Beg for Love and Compassion
ᴜпfoгtᴜпаteɩу, it is no surprise to find an аЬапdoпed dog or puppy on the street lately. It’s a scene that rescuers, dog lovers, and animal control officers have long been used to. However, the latest case of finding an аЬапdoпed dog in New Bern, North Carolina, shows that surprises are always possible. The reason why…
Un Héroe Lastimado pero No Vencido: Perrito Pierde la Nariz por Proteger su Hogar y Aún Sueña con Amor
No sufrió ningún accidente, enfermedad, estaba saludable comportándose como cualquier perrito guardián lo haría, su trabajo era excelente, cuidaba la propiedad de sus dueños, en el Cairo, Egipto. Este perrito pasó de la noche a la mañana, de ser un perro que estaba alerta y cuidaba la casa, a estar sin un lugar para vivir,…
With Pleading Eyes and a Frail Body, a Malnourished Puppy Touches a Woman’s Heart and Finds Love at Last
All puppies should have humans who treasure them and who do their best to make them happy. Sadly, too many canines experience аЬᴜѕe from the very people who made a сommіtmeпt to take care of them and love them forever. Lotte was a five-month-old puppy whose һeагt became overwhelmed with sadness. Instead of living a…
Un Amor Hasta el Final: Fabrica una Cama Móvil para que su Perrita Anciana Disfrute su Último Paseo en la Playa
A pesar de que su condición de salud no le permitía caminar como antes, para ella era muy importante disfrutar de la brisa, el sol y escuchar el sonido de las olas del mar. Esta es la historia de Cocoa, una otoñal Chesapeake Bay Retriever de 16 años y su amorosa familia. De joven explotaba…
From Pain to Peace: Abused Animals Experience Love and Safety for the First Time After Unimaginable Trauma
Pablo Steklenski, founder of Flying Fur Animal Rescue, coordinated the transfer of both of them from North Carolina to New Jersey where Rescue Dogs Rock NYC would find them a new home. The arrival of these dogs to the runway was very hard, they even had to stop several times to get to the plane.…
Destinada al Olvido, pero con una Historia de Dolor: Su Dueña Quiso Sacrificarla, sin Revelar su Pasado de Maltrato
La Dra. Carey, una veterinaria experimentada de la clínica veterinaria Vet Ranch, se asustó muchísimo cuando vio a Violet, una cachorrita con múltiples heridas y pelaje morado. La dueña de Violet dijo que cuando la dejó en el suelo, un perro más grande la atacó. Antes de ser utilizados para entrenar perros de pelea, se…
Vinicius Weighs Shocking Two-Year Saudi Move After Real Madrid Denies Pay Raise – Reports
Vinicius Jr. has been linked with a move to Saudi Arabia, with clubs pushing to sign him in the summer. The winger, whose contract runs until 2027, has made it clear that he wants to stay at Real Madrid but is asking for a pay rise. According to SPORT, Real Madrid have no plans to…
Vinícius Weighs Shocking Two-Year Saudi Move After Real Madrid Rejects His Pay Rise Request – Reports
Vinicius Jr. has been linked with a move to Saudi Arabia, with clubs pushing to sign him in the summer. The winger, whose contract runs until 2027, has made it clear that he wants to stay at Real Madrid but is asking for a pay rise. According to SPORT, Real Madrid have no plans to…